Monday, December 27, 2010

“Merry Christmas and a happy 2011"

“Merry Christmas and a happy 2011"

A number of the first team players from both the football and basketball teams appeared in a specially made video for the La Masia youngsters this Christmas, to wish them a happy Christmas.

In an initiative set up by the La Masia, the players surprised the youngsters with their festive greetings – yet another sign of the close links between the young players and the first team stars.

Leo Messi, Carles Puyol, Bojan Krkic, Pedro Rodríguez, Víctor Valdés, Jeffren Suárez, Andrés Iniesta, Roger Grimau and Víctor Sada all appear in the video which was shown to the La Masia youngsters before they broke up for their Christmas break.

Best wishes and good advice

Many of the stars have themselves come up through La Masia and have been through the festive season there and that showed in the messages of support they gave to the current crop of players being trained there. Messi, for example, identified with the problems and homesickness of the foreign players; Puyol encouraged the youngsters to enjoy the moment; Bojan reminded them of the importance of continuing their studies and Pedro and Valdes had special words for the La Masia staff.

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